Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nazi scandal over Pete Doherty

Munich --
What really makes Pete Doherty? When it comes to the Babyshambles frontman is quiet, usually makes one worry - but then he comes with a new scandal around the corner. So this time ...
Doherty smashed at a gig in Munich, the first verse of Deuschlandliedes fervently: "Germany, Germany above all." Tumult arose in the audience, the gig had to be continued later.
Originally, the scandal-rockers on a surprise appearance in Munich. The Station "Bayern 2" transmitted the concert live. The "tz" reports, the public had responded with booing and catcalls at Doherty's derailment - but the concert was resumed at first. Five other songs could bellow the 30-year-old - then it was the organizers too delicate.
Doherty was asked by the stage. "Otherwise we would not be able to guarantee security," cited the "tz" with the BR-program director for multimedia, Rainer low.
The anthem was by the Nazis (1. straws: "Germany, Germany above all, abuse more than anything in the world"). After much hesitation, President Theodor Heuss declared on Germany in 1952 the song again for the national anthem - since 1991, but only with the third verse of the text and the starting line, "Unity and justice and freedom."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Prosecutor now identified against Schroeder

Cologne - Savings bottom and no end in sight: The scandal surrounding savings contracts for the Christian Democratic Party in Cologne prosecutors opened investigations against the former head of the Sparkasse Köln-Bonn, Gustav Adolf Schröder.
"We have received an anonymous complaint," said Attorney General Guenther Field on Wednesday. "Therefore we are required by legislation, to initiate a criminal investigation."
Whether there is an initial suspicion was still being considered. Schroeder is suspected in the anonymous display of disloyalty, because he might have on a controversial contract with the former CDU politician Rolf Bietmann was responsible.
Against Bietmann and "unspecified charge of Sparkasse Köln-Bonn" is determined after a complaint from Koblenz.
Read the background of the Savings Bank scandal: Before Gunnar Greier tremble coterie Brothers> Savings Bank also paid Roters-Approval> prosecutor investigated Bietmann The drama about Jupp Müller> Jupp Müller> comes back> Bietmann further pressure> Bietmann: Interest-free loan from the bank appeared> Bietmann waives the Bundestag>

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Koelsch Memorial for Lommi

Cologne - for 45 years, he has renovated his pub before. Thus verranzt there looked too. His guests, he always served taciturn and unfriendly.
Nevertheless, and just loved him every drum: Hans "Lommi" Lommerzheim (†). As the first Köbes Deutz in Cologne, the cult of the host now got a monument. It stands as a bronze statue in the beer garden of the pub.
The glasses typically deep-seated on the nose, who is cast in bronze "Lommi" behind the counter and tap Koelsch. Flowing beside him Koelsch wreath from the water into a small fountain.
Four years after his death, the specially formed association of enthusiastic Lommi regulars (has 82 members) to him a monument erected. "I have made the figure for photos, gave me his wife," said Klaus Gehlen, the artist from Monschau.
Approximately $ 10,000 has cost the monument, but originate from the 3000 City Museum. Thither Lommi brought supporter namely the original bones of the last legendary Lommi-chops, which served the end of 2004. Fountains, lighting and Beck watercourse sponsored the new owners Rudolf Päffgen.
What does the stirred widow Annemie? "It has become very good. It was important that Lommi is clearly visible. The work behind the counter was his life. And he was mine. "Nevertheless, she falls hard to play to where her husband served everyone equally - whether celebrities, unemployed or students.
Also of interest
Bill Clinton also wanted to Deutz

Friday, April 9, 2010

Udo Jürgens forever single

Him are the heart of women's feet. But for Udo Juergens (73), the wild years are over. Today, he draws from his piano as the spouse of every woman.
The musician who loves his life as a single. A close relationship would be for him no longer in question, said in an interview with Udo Jürgens "week day". Previously he was a Strohfeuertyp. "Now I want to make sure that I did not stumble again in such a fire."
He feels lonely since his divorce from wife, Corinne (48) in 2006, no. A housekeeper, a gardener and fellow musician Billy take care of the former ladies' man. "It is very peaceful and nice to live the way I live."
Would Juergens made the choice to take a wife or a piano with a lonely island, fell slightly today, the decision to him: "I would prefer the music. The piano is for me a partner, not because it would not disagree. It contradicts huge! "The piano show him clearly its limitations.
The impression of a woman hater wants Jürgens but give under any circumstances. Women, he was indebted for the happiest hours of his life, he says. "It was great news to be married. I love my children and my grandchildren! I'm glad that after my second marriage has a good relationship with my ex had two wives. We make calls and it works in harmonious orbits. "If daughter Jenny (41) him with the words in the arm take:" Dad, I love you ", then he knew:" Everything I could have done in life is not wrong. "

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Document destruction - € 50,000 damage

Bonn - Fire Devil in the tax office downtown? In the 3rd Floor fire broke out, an area burned out completely, several others were badly damaged.
The police does not include arson. Wanted a nighttime burglar destroy sensitive files?
Chaos on Friday morning at the Welsch Onnen road. Fire investigators enter their appearances in the hand. Finance officials are to really pore over the tax returns of Bonn, put their heads together and whispering. An arson attack in his own house? The employees can not grasp.
2.58 clock early Friday morning: A random passing patrol car crew shall carry the smell of fire, alerted the fire brigade. Flames burst out of the room on the third floor. The erase operation is difficult to fight the fire service needs to fire on the adjacent site dental clinic with a turntable ladder. Then a policeman arrives with the key. The erase attack from within can begin, will be successfully completed. Nevertheless, the damage amounts to 50,000 euros.
Later, the deputy department director Angela Osterhues faces masse charred paper: "There were burnt records. To what extent, can not say yet. "
There was no answer to the question of whether current tax returns are up in flames. "This has everything to be resolved," says Osterhues scarce. Although they would be aware that what was stored in the burned-out rooms.
Was it a deliberate act? Would a burglar tax papers flaring, which he could be dangerous? It is clear: The police does not include arson, asked by telephone 02 28 / 1 50 by indications from witnesses who saw in the night-time.