Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kahn makes the goalkeeper flat

Munich - His thoughts are now not just a job as a manager at Schalke 04
Oliver Kahn is also reflected concerns about his successor in the gate of the national team. His opinion comes from rock hard. The titanium makes the flat Keeper!
"The development, which I do not like at the moment is that the gatekeepers have fallen at all into a small hole. It currently offers any in which they say is the absolute number one, "says Kahn.
Rene Adler, Robert Enke and Tim Wiese (all in the squad for the next two World Cup qualifiers) and Schalke's Manuel Neuer should have big ears.
In Adler, he sees even a head problem: "It is made not just by the greatest talent, but he who is in the mind the most. The one who can handle pressure better. "
Bavaria's Michael Rensing, he counts the time being not to the district for the national team, "Rensing must see to it that it stabilizes at Bayern on."

Friday, May 21, 2010

The tombstone testers Wuppertal

Wuppertal - Caution, risk of accidents in the cemeteries! After the icy winter tilt in the Rhineland dozens, several hundred-pound tombstone. They break easily from their foundation pedestals. For visitors, a life-threatening risk.
The worst accident: In the Bavarian village Mette tipped a tombstone on a girl of seven. The 150-pound plaque on the resting place of the grandmother killed the small pupil.
Not unique. In Bernau (Brandenburg), a 72-year-old rejected the Greenspace to the stone. The tilted against the neighboring tomb. The hand of the pensioner was trapped for hours the man was hanging down with four broken fingers.
Petra also Piorek (35), cemetery manager in Wuppertal-Sonnborn (5000 graves), aware of the risk of severe giant "falling over tombstones can draw serious injury. Just imagine what happens when such a 300-kilogram stone fall on someone's head. Then there are the dead. "
Someone who wants to avoid it is the Wuppertal Udo Peters. He invented the "tipping Tester", which excludes since accidents in cemeteries. As can be seen quickly, whether gravestones are so loose that it threatens to fall over in the near future. Two people with a device press the "tipping Tester" with the test set against the stone. If the predetermined force of 300 newtons (31 pounds) is reached, it beeps. Once a year the graves to be examined.
"With the harsh winter will come again this year to loose stones," says Piorek. "The break simply from above the foundation base. Bad: According to the Horticultural Trade Association has a third of all gravestones damage.
Thanks to the "tipping tester" can be risk-graves (to lock in an emergency filter out). In half of Europe, the device is already used. Even in Perth, Australia, the Wuppertal invention is used.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Schorch only sewn and then celebrated

Berlin -
"Who gives a shit, we won today. The rest does not interest me. "
Christopher Schorch (20) spoke out afterwards, which probably thought nearly all the stock in the Cologne. And he was in a hurry, "I must be in the VIP room. My family and friends waiting there for me. Nearly 30 men "
Next »
After the game, but a lucky critical hit EXPRESS Lukas Podolski.
The FC-star in the short interview - more after the jump!
Luke, how big is the relief?
Poldi: "Now we have a little peace in Cologne. A game for the spectators was not. We have more quality on the pitch, especially to the front. Since we have to, I have to do more of it. "
A word to the winner!
Poldi: "Good free-kick, Nova has reingeköpft super. Good thing we did after a standard one goal. "
For out of the game came out nothing. Why?
Poldi: "I do not know how others think. But for me it's important how we play football. The fact that we have more game units, have more chances to score. For this much happiness you can not have every weekend. "
What do you say to the strong Schorch?
Poldi: "We have seen, he was motivated properly. He has done a good job. As the whole defense. "
Are you now assists the buoyancy to the heroic deeds?
Poldi: "I play here for the club. It's a different situation than in Bavaria. Since you always have 70 percent possession of the ball and gets his opportunities. But I have decided for the club and thus also for the play. The club is close to my heart. So I do not care if I one, two or five goals do. I consider it important that I help the club. I'm still not where I wants to go. But it is important that we in the years to have a good team and can play forward. "
Next »
2:16 shots on goal and still won 1-0. Zvonimir Soldo interested only after the result.
The FC coach in the brief interview - more after the jump!
Mr. Soldo, your conclusion!? This was a typical game of two teams that are below. We have not convinced playful, but the vote was good. This was not a nice game. But the team has fought for this victory. That was after our performance against Hanover the most important.?
How happy are you that the knots in Poldi and Nova has burst? Soldo:? We have to work as a team in that direction much.?
Why the bad plays FC forward? Soldo:? Today we have the game won. I have already said, we have not convinced playful. But should I now apologize that we have won??
On his return to his old football player-home "Schorchi had" their own annex made happy in the stands with a class performance. Maniche had only one more ball contact (61) as the defensive gem. Caustic and combative ex Hertha cooked on the old fellow right-back after the series.
And he knew no pain! Shortly after the break, the veteran suffered in a duel headed a laceration was sutured. At a replacement but he thought for a second. "I had even briefly oscillopsia. But I wanted to help the team, "Schorch Sun It succeeded. FC-hero Lukas Podolski, "He has done very well. As with the entire defense. "
Learn More
Naked Madness! Nova redeemed FC
• Review HERE FC player with notes
• To assess the EXPRESS FC players
• HERE all the statistics and figures for the game

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Doctors collect bounty for patients

Cologne - Serious allegations against Germany's doctors, more and more established professionals, especially orthopedic surgeons, urologists, ENT doctors collect - from hospitals bounty for the referral of patients - up to $ 1,000 for a hip operation, told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ.
"These are not just isolated incidents, such as proposing two three years," Professor Rudolf Kosters, president of the German Hospital Association alarm. "We hear such cases nationwide from urban areas."
It is as simple as illegal principle: make the referring doctor pressure, often in conjunction with local counterparts: either we get money or to recommend patients for hip surgery (bringing the clinic from 6900 to 8800 € per case) in a financially courteous clinic.
A Cologne insider confirmed: "A head of a clinic in the right bank is downright blackmail, there is a noticeable influx of private patients to some private hospital in Cologne."
Prof. Manfred Wirth, president of the German Society of Urology, sees the "common practice in all regions" highly critical: "There is a risk that patients not be admitted to the hospital best for them." Or they end up prematurely in the hospital. Eugen Brysch, Chief of the German Hospice Foundation: "seriously ill and dying people are paid an average of five times between nursing home and hospital to and fro, sure, often unnecessarily."
Packed is the "briefing package" tricky in contracts for pre-and postoperative benefits. Because that is flowing at a hospital admission money, "totally prohibited," says Bundesärztekammer President Joerg-Dietrich Hoppe.
Each insured may choose the law during an operation, in which hospital he goes to the staid and familiar to medical advice.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Overath sounds the alarm

Cologne - Immediately after the fiasco had Mönchengladbach FC boss Wolfgang Overath still silent.
On Sunday, however, he then made it clear what is going on inside him. Veer to the President, given the current state of the evil forces!
"Of course, that neither enjoys the game, nor the result. This may not like them, if we lose! We will surely change a lot. But internally, we still have to draw our lessons from it. "
Overath goes through the upcoming home program: "Leverkusen, Stuttgart, Bremen, Berlin - which is even harder ..."
While the boss makes it clear: "We played a great first round and are still seven points clear of the relegation places, but he emphasizes - this time emphatically than ever - even shake your finger," We can usually come in direct relegation battle - if we then continue playing. "