Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mother of three slain

Cologne --
Three small children are sitting in an apartment in Bilderstöckchen and crying for her mother. The German-Jordanian H. Hanna (29) was probably killed by her estranged from her husband. He has now been taken.
  Seriously injured was the 29-year-old taken away - soon after she died.
Alzeyer Street 33: A block with a large lawn area behind it, romp on the other children. Here probably lay in wait for the husband, who lives separately from his family, Hanna H.. At 13.25 clock on Tuesday afternoon, neighbors heard the shrill cries of the triple mother. They watched from the balcony and saw Hanna H. lie on the floor. About her, her husband. With a kitchen knife he always stuck to her back.
This attack must have lasted five minutes according to witnesses. Then the offender let go of his victim, he rushed ahead. And came back - to go back to stab the mother of his children and finally to flee.
A local resident is the cruel fact, have even filmed with his cell phone. When police arrived, the 29-year-old covered in blood lay on the lawn. Besides garments, which her husband had dragged her from the body.
An emergency doctor was able to stabilize the young woman indeed, but the hospital then she succumbed to her serious injuries.
In the afternoon the police were searching for clues that could have left the perpetrators. A witness had seen that between 30 and 40 years old offender had his weapon, stuck in a plastic bag and carried.
The perpetrator was caught on Wednesday afternoon at the airport in Brussels.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The sex-gangster from a retirement home

Pulheim - He raped in March this year, a defenseless senior citizen (86). Manfred H. (44), the sex offender from the Caritas nursing home in Pulheim. On Monday he took his punishment from the court: 3.5 years jail.
Across the balcony, he is seated, Valentine K. (86) was sleeping in her bed. When she woke up, turned Manfred H. as a "night watch Thomas.
The senior did not believe him, wanted to press the emergency button. H. Then it struck her in the face. 20 euros he stole from the purse of the woman, then the sex offender jumped on Grandma Valentine.
"He pulled the victim out of the panties, she wanted to rape," said the prosecutor. She struggled, as Manfred H. penetrated his fist into his victim. So that it does not scream, he stuffed a cloth into her throat.
The rapist fled when he heard footsteps in the hallway. DNA traces of him eventually convicted as perpetrators. In the courtroom, Manfred H. had made a full confession.
 Valentine K. has been living 16 years in the nursing home Caritas. After the war she came from Poland to Cologne, worked as a packer. Her daughter, Olga drew her own size.
The daughter watched the process on Monday before the Regional Court of Cologne. "He has done tremendous harm to my mother," says Olga B. (66) of the EXPRESS. Since the sex assault, the senior crying almost every day. "I want to forget everything," she told a nurse.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cesar Baena dreams of Olympics

Dusseldorf --
He is the exotic in the ski circus: César Baena comes from Venezuela and notes for Saturday's World Cup cross-country skiers participated in the Rhine river.
A touch of "Cool Runnings" in the Old Town! The cinema is classic for the 23-year-olds an incentive.
At that time, tried four Jamaicans in a bob and it managed up to the Olympics. Baena in February will now start at the biggest winter sports event in Vancouver.
"I have already experienced the atmosphere in Turin in 2006 as a volunteer and was thrilled. Now I want to be as active here and Venezuela, "reveals the number 2237 in the world rankings. "If it does not 2010 work, then no later than 2014 in Sochi."
The dream of Olympia began six years ago. Just at the ski dome Neuss Baena first came into contact with the white splendor.
"I was for one year as an au pair be located on the road and with a host family in Cologne. It has taken with me at the time to Neuss. I had great fun in the snow. Now the sport is my life, "says the only South American in cross country.
Grimly he trains every day to improve steadily. "I participated at the World Championships in Liberec. Although I have only occupies the last place, but the spectators celebrated like I did with the Venezuelan flag in goal. "
Much better Baena will probably not cut today, although he will not get the smile disappeared. Baena: "The snow is my lifeblood. At some point I will also runterspringen even have a ski jump. "

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Railway fell from the hands

Dusseldorf --
What belongs to a real station? Of course, rails, a platform, ticket machines, bus shelters, timetables and - right! - A clock.
The Rath-Mitte S-Bahn station for months, however, is absolutely "timeless". Who wants to leave from here and does not own Clock here is simply screwed.
"It already started in the autumn of last year," said Dieter Hecking. "Back then, the big station clock was easy to stand." At that time, thought the passengers or to Rather that the timekeepers at the railway track would soon be repaired again. But far from it.
Dieter Hecking: "The clock is rotten from month to month, more and more. Until recently even fell off both her hands. "
To check on the S-Bahn station clock flottzumachen Rath-Mitte again called Soko-EXPRESS now in orbit. Spokesman Gerd Felser: "There is probably one of our watches easily forgotten. We will now send out like our staff to flottzumachen them again. "

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First Toni-criticism of van Gaal

Munich --
The Torlos-Bavaria - it was no longer enough for a third division! With HSV 0:1, 0:0 against Juventus, 0-0 against Cologne and now even the embarrassing 0:1-Test bankruptcy in Regensburg.
Of course, Tuesday night lacked the top-National. But by the second guard, reinforced by the returnees played Mark van Bommel (one hour) and Luca Toni (played by) one might expect even against a third division time a wicket. Or?
"If I'm not playing, I can also shoot any goals," says Toni, and refers to the last non-consideration. When asked what he lacked as yet, the Italians say: "They have to ask the coach. I'm ready to me, it is not. "Whether van Gaal him Saturday in Freiburg finally ran more rapidly? Assistant coach Andries Jonker bankrupt after the test: "We were very pleased with Luca Toni and Mark van Bommel."
Captain van Bommel, after foot injury for a week in crew training, says: "Luca was very difficult because the Regensburg have always stood with nine men behind the ball. But almost every time he has claimed the ball and his job well done. I myself would naturally play against Freiburg, but I do not decide. "
This is decided by van Gaal. Due to the loss of Ribery, Robben and Olic-General of the tulips should be compelled to abandon his preferred 4-3-3.
Also of interest
Cruyff: Van Gaal has Alzheimer's
"I cry almost every day"