Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mother of three slain

Cologne --
Three small children are sitting in an apartment in Bilderstöckchen and crying for her mother. The German-Jordanian H. Hanna (29) was probably killed by her estranged from her husband. He has now been taken.
  Seriously injured was the 29-year-old taken away - soon after she died.
Alzeyer Street 33: A block with a large lawn area behind it, romp on the other children. Here probably lay in wait for the husband, who lives separately from his family, Hanna H.. At 13.25 clock on Tuesday afternoon, neighbors heard the shrill cries of the triple mother. They watched from the balcony and saw Hanna H. lie on the floor. About her, her husband. With a kitchen knife he always stuck to her back.
This attack must have lasted five minutes according to witnesses. Then the offender let go of his victim, he rushed ahead. And came back - to go back to stab the mother of his children and finally to flee.
A local resident is the cruel fact, have even filmed with his cell phone. When police arrived, the 29-year-old covered in blood lay on the lawn. Besides garments, which her husband had dragged her from the body.
An emergency doctor was able to stabilize the young woman indeed, but the hospital then she succumbed to her serious injuries.
In the afternoon the police were searching for clues that could have left the perpetrators. A witness had seen that between 30 and 40 years old offender had his weapon, stuck in a plastic bag and carried.
The perpetrator was caught on Wednesday afternoon at the airport in Brussels.