Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Million robber faces up to the police

Monaco -
The dream of the century coup quickly became a nightmare: Eleven days after his spectacular theft of 11.6 million euros, the French armored car driver Toni M. has given up.
Without money and without arms, he placed himself on Monday the police in the Principality of Monaco. The man will now be handed over to French authorities.
The guard had his two colleagues on 5 November lured with a trick from the armored car armored in Lyon and had driven off with the millions. However, the prey was too large to escape with her over the mountains. Toni M. So dozens of bags packed with well over nine million euros, in a car and parked the car in a garage. But he had underestimated the police: Two days later, the investigators had tracked down the car with the millions of cargo.
Thus the dream of the 39-year-old had burst. Although Toni M. were allegedly about two and a half million euros. But the investigators were certain that the maverick would now have much more difficult hiding abroad and establish a new identity.
The Frenchman with roots in Serbia had for years led a double life. He rode a bicycle to work, complained about his pittance of 1,700 € and drove in his neighborhood around only in an old Peugeot. But at the same time he allowed himself a Ferrari and had 100,000 euros on the account. For Toni M. was in his second life of luxury car dealer and part owner of a property.
His big coup was preparing the 39-year-old meticulously before. Already months before he rented under a false name to the garage for the car. In the days before the theft, he drove off the track where he wanted to unload the armored car, cleared his bank accounts and cleaned his apartment in order to eliminate traces.
Against all the rules he was able to organize that, on the day of action was alone in the car and still had access to the armored vault. But nothing helped.
Undoing M. Among other things, an accident. Someone had damaged his rented car for the deed, and the 39-year-old wanted a new one. The landlord insisted that it indicated the damage to the police. M. did that - and brought his face so that garage managers, landlords and police car in memory.
But lawyers expect the CIT-driver risked not end up much. Because he had acted violently, it was threatened with a maximum of three years imprisonment for aggravated theft. Provided that the police encounters during his double life illuminate not on any other offense.